Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Web

The World Wide Web was invented as a creative space of equality world wide. How could this be done? Because it is free. Tim Berns Lee, inventor of the Web took 1970 ideals of free love and applied it to the internet giving everyone a free voice.

Photo Credit: Free Love
With the web people are able to develop an audience by written or video posts, promote products, find information, keep in touch and even find love. The possibilites of the internet are endless.

Possibilities are endless for both opportunities and corruption. With the viral revolution also comes a counterrevolution. The counterrevolution consist of individuals and companies that want to make profit off the web. Today we are very familiar with buying and sharing online with eBay, Amazon, iTunes, etc. But, when this idea first entered the web it was against everything the web stood for.

Photo Credit: Gates Logo
Business men and women saw the web as an opportunity for gain. Bill Gates creator of Microsoft was one of these entrepreneurs. He made the easily accessible Internet Explorer search engine. Internet Explorer expanding the webs audience by creating this platform. However, Gates took it too far trying to monopolize Microsoft.

Members of the World Wide Web also interfered with the business world. Napster changed the music industry by creating a database where user could share their musical library and download any song for free. Free music is now inevitable and musicians have to make their money through performances.

But is the web really all that bad. Yes, there is potential for conflict between ideals but lets go back to equality. The web did and still does what it was originally created to do. The world wide web creates universal equality. It gives everyone a chance to have a voice. Yes larger corperations have more resources. But, anyone can use the web to stay connected, gain knowledge, advertise, promote, buy, sell, etc. The possibilities are endless and constantly expanding.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

First Man To Fly

First Flight Photo Credit
Orville Wright the first man to fly. The Wright Brothers flew a plane 20 feet above a beach in North Carolina. The first flight lasted 12 seconds. This is a revolutionary moment in our worlds travel and history.

These American Inventors have been striving to make a controlled flight since1896. With the first successful glide flight in 1902, now in 1903 the first powered flight.

By using a wind tunnel inventors were able to collect data and make the most efficient model. Accurate data lead to the most capable wings and propellers.

Wright Brothers Photo Credit
December 17, 1903 flights lasted up to 58 seconds and covered a distance of over 852 feet.