Thursday, March 10, 2016

What Buzz Feed I View & Why

1.) “29 Hilarious Tweet Guaranteed to Brighten Your Day”

I like when things are in lists. They are formatted for viewers to read through content quickly while receiving all the information. This article grabbed my attention because I am a Twitter user that followers other comical Twitter accounts. Others hypertargets include Twitter users that follow accounts based on humor. My own headline "Must See” is more intriguing than “Brightening Your Day”. The information-gap in all of the above Buzz Feed articles are the list contained in the articles. By grabing your attention with the numbered list and title the information-gap leads you to the content received by clicking the link.

2.) “31 Asian Noodle Dishes That’ll Make You Quit Takeout Forever”

Social object of interest is Chinese food. I love Chinese. Other hypertargets are viewers that like Chinese takeout and or like to cook their own meals. My title would be “31 Healthy Chinese Dishes That Taste Better Than Takeout!” This would appeal to my friends because they are very conscious about what they eat.

3.) “32 of the Most Beautiful Bible Verses

This appealed to me for the same reasons the tweet did because it is uplifting and makes me happy. I find bible verses encouraging to read through them. Other hypertargets include religious people and those who enjoy reading the bible. I would change the title to “32 Simple Bible Verses to Brighten Your Day” This allows the reader to know that they aren’t about to open a textbook but can still enjoy the message.